The way to becoming a Security Guard in Arkansas is similar to a lot of other states. You need to meet basic requirements such as
English language proficiency
clean criminal record
and other usual security licensing requirements of this nature.
Furthermore, to get a Security Guard license in Arkansas, you need to take a government approved Security Guard licensing course.
The government body that controls an Arkansas Security Guard's license is the Arkansas State Police.
So, it is the state police that will have to approve the AR Security Guard training providers.
Make sure the security training you take is state police approved for a
Private Security Officer license.
On top of this, you will need to be employed by an AR security company before getting your license.
Once you submit the proof of your ability to meet the requirements to the state police, you will get your Arkansas Security Guard license and officially be registered as a Security Guard with the state of Arkansas.
Arkansas Security Guard License Requirements
Age: You must be 18yo or older.
Sponsor: You need to be employed by an Arkansas security company before applying for a security license. Your security employer will help you with the application process.
Criminal Record: You cannot have a criminal record of any kind or be under investigation for a crime. The AR state police will perform a criminal record check on you after you submit the application.
Mental Illness: You cannot have a history of mental illness.
Substance Abuse: You cannot have a history of substance abuse.
Fingerprints: You need to get your fingerprints taken at a law enforcement agency and submit the documents in your application.
U.S. Citizen: You need to be an American citizen or be legally allowed to work in Arkansas. You will have to submit a copy of government ID in the application.
Passport Photos: You need to submit two passport photos in your application.
English: You must be able to speak and write in English.
Arkansas Approved Security License Course: You need to take an AR approved security course unless you are employed as law enforcement.
Specialized Security Guard: There are multiple specialized security fields you can enter, such as armed security. These fields require AR approved education.
Submitting: The documents you submit can be sent to the AR State Police via mail.
Arkansas Board of Private Investigation and Private Security Agencies
1 State Police Plaza Drive, Little Rock, AR 72209

What Does an Arkansas Security Guard Do?
Arkansas Security Guards Patrol Vacant Locations
Arkansas Security Guards will do foot patrols of locations for a set number of times per shift.
A common task for an Arkansas Security Guard will be checking mechanical rooms for any unusual signs or potential health and safety issues.
Arkansas Security Guards watch for hazards and fill out hazard reports (Arkansas Guards write a lot of reports).
Guards in Arkansas document and report maintenance issues to supervisors.
Many Arkansas security sites require Guards to monitor fire extinguishers to ensure that they are not overdue for inspection (official reviews are done by maintenance personnel).
Arkansas Security Guards write a lot, including filling in logs as their shifts progresses with what activities are being done at what times. Arkansas Guards will have their own security notebooks and will constantly note all unusual sightings, occurrences, and incidents.
Arkansas Security Guards will respond to alarms and act accordingly as per the Emergency Response plan set in place by supervisors. This may include,
Evacuation of the security site.
Checking alarm system on the way out for information about where the problem is occurring.
Contacting supervisors.
Responding to incidents and completing all reports as necessary.
Arkansas Security Guards Protect Sites with Customers
If an Arkansas Security Guard is working in a team environment, they will usually meet for a pre-shift briefing at a set location. Once the meeting has been completed the Arkansas Security Guards will go directly to their designated sites.
In Arkansas security site locations with customers, Guards will do a lot of patrolling. This can be in a building or outside in places such as parking lots.
Arkansas Security Guards are usually responsible for site cleanliness when there are no designated cleaning staff. This means as an Arkansas Security Guard, expect to be cleaning a lot of trash.
Monitoring CCTV cameras will be a big part of an Arkansas Security Guard’s job. This will be on a continuous basis with follow ups on issues seen.
When it comes to security sites in the service industry, Arkansas Security Guards will have to assist customers in various non-security ways. This can be giving them directions or carrying items for them. Furthermore, Arkansas Security Guards will often be expected to be friendly, outgoing, and talkative with customers in their security sites.
A constant security issue for Arkansas security sites with customers will be smoking, alcohol consumption, and narcotics. Arkansas Security Guards will often be making sure people aren’t smoking in non-smoking areas, consuming alcohol, or narcotics. For the latter, an Arkansas Security Guard will usually report the issue to local police.
If the Arkansas security site is a residence, responding to noise complaints will be a big part of the job.
Of course, catching shoplifters will be a constant for an Arkansas Security Guard in a site with customers.
Arkansas Security Guards Work at Security Gates
Arkansas Security Guards will patrol parking areas to make sure vehicles are registered at that security site.
Every person entering through the security gate will produce valid photo ID to the Arkansas Security Guard. The Guard will determine if the individual may pass.
During medical emergencies, the Arkansas Security Guard will direct traffic to allow easy access for Arkansas EMS vehicles.
Arkansas Security Guards Deal with Medical Issues
Emergencies at an Arkansas security site can happen at any time, day or night. On going communication will be key for all Arkansas Security Guards involved to get through the emergency with the best possible outcome.
Arkansas EMS/ ambulances will often be called by Arkansas Security Guards.
The Arkansas Security Guard that places the 911 call will relay info regarding who, what, where, why, and when.
Arkansas Security Supervisors will usually take lead on these incidents and direct other Arkansas Guards to specific tasks to perform during the emergency.
Arkansas Security Guards will always remain calm and professional. Furthermore, they will assist however they can.
About the Author

Peter Sandru is an Instructor & Co-Founder of NDIL with over 15 years working in security. Peter has spent more than a decade conducting security operations throughout the world, primarily for corporations, law firms, and government agencies. Peter has assisted in the creation of numerous security training programs in various capacities.